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Rotordynamic Characteristics Analysis for API 610 BB5 Pump Development  

Kim, Byung-Ok (한국기계연구원 시스템다이나믹스연구실)
Lee, An-Sung (한국기계연구원 시스템다이나믹스연구실)
Kim, Sung-Ki ((주)동양화공기계)
Publication Information
This paper deals with the detail rotordynamic analysis for BB5 eight stages pump as development of API 610 BB5 type pump. Dry-run analytical model, not considering operating fluid, and wet-run analytical model, considering operating fluid are established. In addition, plain circular and pressure dam bearings are chosen and it was discussed that each bearing has an effect on dynamic characteristics of pump rotor system. A rotordynamic analysis includes the critical speed map, Campbell diagram, stability, and unbalance response. As results, it was predicted that rated speed of the pump rotor passes through 1st critical speed in dry-run condition regardless of bearings, however, it was verified that, in wet-run condition, the rotor system doesn't have critical speeds even if more than twice rated speed. Hence the resonance problem caused by the critical speeds does not happen since actual operating is in wet-run condition including operating fluid. As a result of unbalance response analysis, the pump rotor has stable vibration response at rated speed, regardless of operating fluid and the proposed bearing types.
Rotordynamics; Dry-Run; Wet-Run; Annular seal; Critical speed map;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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