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A Study on the Korean medicine Clinical Use of Moire topography in musculoskeletal diseases  

Ryu, Hongsun (Haneuibonga Korean medical clinic)
Song, Aejin (Dept. of Preventive Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Wonkwang University)
Chong, Myongsoo (Dept. of Preventive Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Wonkwang University)
Publication Information
Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine / v.20, no.1, 2016 , pp. 75-87 More about this Journal
Objectives : This study aims to classify and analyze literature related to moire topography, as a diagnostic device of Korean medicine, discuss research trends and major results, and demonstrate the value of moire topography. Methods : To investigate moire topography research trends, Korean keywords that signify 'moire' were searched in a Korean journal search engine. Initially, 2,988 papers were found in the research, and, after classifying them and removing those that are duplicate in other databases, only 37 papers were applicable for the literature review in this study. To analyze research trends, the 37 papers were analyzed based on the publication year, research field, journal, and research type, and, clinical articles were classified based on the diagnosis purpose, subject characteristics, diagnosis method, test method, and test result, for analysis. Results : Moire topography research in South Korea was first conducted in 1995 and most active in 2003, mostly in the field of Korean medicine. In the journal analysis, The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine for Spine & Nerves published the highest number of papers, most of which were clinical articles and the rest were literature review. And, in the analysis of clinical papers, based on the diagnosis purpose, muscle somatotype measurement was most common, followed by diagnosis of scoliosis. In terms of subjects, most studies focused on elementary, middle, and high school students, and, in terms of the diagnosis method, other tests were used in most studies. The analysis of moire topography methods showed that most studies measured the shoulder, back, and hip, and the most common measurement method in the studies measured the difference in contour lines on the left and right by designating a central line of the body. In terms of the result, most moire topography brought about significant diagnosis results, and many studies demonstrated its use for musculoskeletal diseases in particular. Conclusions : Moire topography is believed to be highly significant for diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and further research will be needed to support it.
Moire topography; musculoskeletal disease;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 10  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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