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Case Report on a Community Health Practitioner's Health Survey  

Choi, Youngmi (Saedong Community Health Care Center Daejeon-si.Saedong Community Health Care Center Daejeon-si)
Chin, Youngran (Department of Nursing, Chungwoon University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing / v.14, no.2, 2019 , pp. 47-53 More about this Journal
Purpose: This case study was done to describe the health survey conducted by a community health practitioner. Methods: The community health survey was carried out from April 16 to May 31, 2018 with face to face interviews done by 48 trained senior nursing students. Results: Compared with other regions, rates for chronic disease prevalence, chewing discomfort, falls, and depression were higher than those of the relevant district/the relevant city, and the whole country. It is encouraging that the treatment rate for hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, and walking practice rate were higher than those other regions. Those who participated in village events had low stress, and those who participated in health promotion programs had a higher quality of life. Conclusion: The community health practitioner in the public health center post needs to operate health promotion programs continuously. Programs including chronic disease management, fall prevention, depression control, and oral health management should be emphasized, and ways to increase social participation, including participation in village events should be developed.
Primary health care; Health care center; Rural health; Community health practitioner, health survey;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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