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Change of Balance Ability in Subjects with Pain-Related Temporomandibular Disorders  

Ja Young Kim (Department of Clinical Physical Therapy, Graduate of Health and Welfare, Dankook University)
Sang Seok Yeo (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Welfare Sciences, Dankook University)
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The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy / v.34, no.6, 2022 , pp. 321-325 More about this Journal
Purpose: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a condition defined as pain and dysfunction of temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles. Abnormal interconnections between temporomandibular muscles and cervical spine structures can cause the changes of postural alignment and balance ability. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in static balance ability in subjects with painrelated TMD. Methods: This study conducted on 25 subjects with TMD and 25 control subjects with no TMD. Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) of the masseter and temporalis muscles were measured using a pressure algometer. Static balance ability was assessed during one leg standing using an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor. During balance task, the IMU sensors measured motion and transfer movement data for center of mass (COM) motion, ankle sway and hip sway. Results: PPTs of masseter and temporalis muscles were significantly lower in the TMD group than in the control group (p<0.05). One leg standing, hip sway, and COM sway results were significantly greater in the TMD group (p<0.05), but ankle sways were not different between group. Conclusion: We suggest pain-related TMD is positively related to reduced PPTs of masticatory muscles and to static balance ability. These results should be considered together with global body posture when evaluating or treating pain-related TMD.
Temporomandibular disorder; Pressure pain threshold; Balance; Range of motion; Pelvic;
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