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The Effect of Arm Movements in the during Standing Position on Lower Limb Global Synkinesis and Balance in Stroke Patients  

Moon, YoungJun (Jung-Daun Hosipital)
Jeong, DaeKeun (Sehan University)
Kang, Jeongil (Sehan University)
Publication Information
Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research / v.10, no.3, 2019 , pp. 1849-1855 More about this Journal
Background: Stroke patients require arm movement exercising for various stimulations in standing position for various stimulations rather than in a sitting position because they require integrated skillful movements, such as stretching, holding, and controlling. Objective: This study was conducted to provide foundational clinical data about lower limb global synkinesis in stroke patients using arm movements in a standing position. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: The subjects were divided into a control group (n = 10) and an experimental group (n = 10), and a pre-test was conducted to evaluate leg global synkinesis (GS) and balance. Intervention method is stretching an arm to hold a ball, repeating supination and pronation of the hand only while maintaining the arm extended as much as possible, repeating shoulder abduction and adduction while holding the pegboard. This was followed by a three-week intervention during which re-measurement was conducted in the same way as was done for the pre-test. Results: The control group showed a significant difference in GS and balance during plantar flexion (p<.05), and the experimental group showed a significant difference in GS and balance during all movements (p<.05, p<.01, respectively). There was a significant difference in GS and balance between the two groups during dorsiflexion (p<.05, p<.01, respectively). Conclusion: The findings demonstrate that human arm movements in a standing position can reduce GS in the affected limb, and balance can be improved by stimulating the surrounding tissues of the affected limb and changing them positively.
Balance; Global synkinesis; Standing position; Stroke;
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