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Effect of Joint Movement on CVA in Forward Head Posture  

Hong, Seong bum (Howon University)
Publication Information
Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research / v.9, no.2, 2018 , pp. 1508-1512 More about this Journal
This study was conducted to examine the effect of joint mobilization on forward head posture and to propose an effective method to improve correct body posture and balance. A total of eight patients from a Maitland-applied group (n=8) received mobilization therapy to increase the mobility of the cervical joint, with Maitland's movement grade III intensity for 30 seconds of treatment and 30 seconds of rest, for ten intervals, three times a week for four weeks. The craniovertebral angle (CVA) changes before and after the intervention with the Maitland technique were measured as $56.85{\pm}2.31^{\circ}$ before, $63.23{\pm}2.23^{\circ}$ two weeks after, and $64.98{\pm}1.27^{\circ}$ four weeks after joint intervention. There were significant CVA changes before and after the Maitland technique (P <.05). The results of this study suggest that the Maitland technique is useful for improving the head vertebral angle in patients with forward head posture.
Forward Head Posture; Craniovertebral Angle (CVA); Joint Mobilization;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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