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Effects of Change in the Height of Therapy Tables on the Fatigue of Splenius Capitis Muscle and Trapezius Muscle  

Kim, Young Hoon (Namseoul University)
Noh, Ji Bin (Namseoul University)
Joo, Sung Hoon (Namseoul University)
Choi, Jung Hyun (Namseoul University)
Yoon, Jung Gyu (Namseoul University)
Lee, Sang Bin (Namseoul University)
Publication Information
Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research / v.4, no.1, 2013 , pp. 516-522 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to analysis of muscle fatigue in the upper trapezius and splenius capitis muscles according to therapy table height variation. The subjects were consisted of 15 healthy adults(10 males, 5 females) who had no medical history of neurological and musculoskeletal problems. In experiment, wireless electrode EMG system was measured for each the upper trapezius and splenius capitis muscles during the treatment performed on table. the differences in the muscle fatigue was compared for 4 types of table height(-6cm, -3cm, 0, +3cm from elbow in $90^{\circ}$ flexion position). Muscle fatigue according to therapy table height were significant difference except for left upper trapezius. And muscle fatigue of right upper trapezius and splenius capitis showed significant decrease in +3cm table height compared to -6cm table height(p<.05). Muscle fatigue of right upper trapezius and splenius capitis were the highest in -6cm table height, but those were the lowest in +3cm table height. This study propose to change therapy table height higher than +3cm from elbow in $90^{\circ}$ flexion position, if you hope to reduce muscle fatigue.
Table Height; EMG; Muscle Fatigue;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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