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Ceyuan (測圓海鏡) and Jiuyong Yandai (九容演代)  

Cheng, Chun Chor Litwin (Hong Kong Institute of Education)
Publication Information
Journal for History of Mathematics / v.27, no.1, 2014 , pp. 13-30 More about this Journal
The book ${\ll}$Ceyuan Haijing${\gg}$ studies inscribed and circumscribed circles in a right triangle and shows equations that give the diameters of the circles. We discuss the development of mathematical contents written by the scholar Yang Zhaoyun in Qing dynasty on the contents of ${\ll}$Ceyuan Haijing${\gg}$ in his book ${\ll}$Jiuyong Yandai${\gg}$. He derived equations to find the diameters of the circles based on algebraic knowledge known in the Qing dynasty. In this paper, we conclude that Yang's methods in devising the equations include the Gou-Gu Theorem, mathematical expressions derived from Gou-Gu ratio table, and the technique of interchanging triangles and events. We conclude that the Gou-Gu ratio table was a very important tool when Yang devised the equations in ${\ll}$Ceyuan Haijing${\gg}$.
Gou-Gu Theorem; Ceyuan Haijing; Yang Zhaoyun; Jiuyong Yandai; Qing mathematics in the 19th century;
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  • Reference
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5 Qian Baocong, A few questions on Ceyuan Haijing (1996), in GUO Shuchun ed., Li Yan and Qian Baocong Kexueshi Quanji Volume 9, Liaoning Jiaoyue Chuban She, 1998, 701-711. 錢寶琮, 有關<<測圓海鏡>> 的幾個問題 (1996), 郭書春 編輯, 李儼錢寶琮科學史全集 9卷, 遼寧敎育出版社, 1998, 701-711.
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