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Clinical Applications of Neuroimaging with Susceptibility Weighted Imaging: Review Article  

Roh, Keuntak (Department of Radiology, Seoul Veterans Hospital)
Kang, Hyunkoo (Department of Radiology, Seoul Veterans Hospital)
Kim, Injoong (Department of Radiology, Seoul Veterans Hospital)
Publication Information
Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging / v.18, no.4, 2014 , pp. 290-302 More about this Journal
Purpose : Susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) sequence is three-dimensional (3D), spoiled gradient-echo pulse sequences that provide a high sensitivity for the detection of blood degradation products, calcifications, and iron deposits. This pictorial review is aimed at illustrating and discussing its main clinical applications. Materials and Methods: SWI is based on high-resolution, 3D, fully velocity-compensated gradient-echo sequences using both magnitude and phase images. To enhance the visibility of the venous structures, the magnitude images are multiplied with a phase mask generated from the filtered phase data, which are displayed at best after post-processing of the 3D dataset with the minimal intensity projection algorithm. A total of 200 patients underwent MR examinations that included SWI on a 3 tesla MR imager were enrolled. Results: SWI is very useful in detecting multiple brain disorders. Among the 200 patients, 80 showed developmental venous anomaly, 22 showed cavernous malformation, 12 showed calcifications in various conditions, 21 showed cerebrovascular accident with susceptibility vessel sign or microbleeds, 52 showed brain tumors, 2 showed diffuse axonal injury, 3 showed arteriovenous malformation, 5 showed dural arteriovenous fistula, 1 showed moyamoya disease, and 2 showed Parkinson's disease. Conclusion: SWI is useful in detecting occult low flow vascular lesions, calcification and microbleed and characterising diverse brain disorders.
Susceptibility weighted imaging; Magnetic resonance imaging; Brain;
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