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Job Analysis for the Improvement of criteria for preparation of Qualification test of Computer Operation Engineer  

Seo, Joon-Ho (Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training)
Park, Jong-Sung (Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training)
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Journal of Engineering Education Research / v.9, no.3, 2006 , pp. 22-36 More about this Journal
This paper is aimed to design for qualification structure and criteria for preparation of qualification test of computer operation engineer. In this study, a DACUM(Development A curriculum) method job analysis to extract contents such as task range, grades or ranks, eligibility, examination standards, selection criteria of examination questions, examination methods, etc was done by an job analysis committee composed of 7 specialists in the industry and academia. In the first place, this report presents job analysis models by procedures for developing selection criteria of examination questions of computer operation engineer. The first step is preparation for job analysis(data research, interviews and selection of experts), the second step the establishment of job models(first expert council and site study), the third step the drawn-out of knowledge, skills, and tools(the second expert council and site study), the fourth step the selection of courses and subjects(the third expert council), the fifth step the establishment of guidelines for making questions(the third site study).
Qualification of Computer Operation Engineer; Job analysis; criteria for preparation of test Questions;
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  • Reference
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