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The Proposal for the Execution KEC2005  

Kang So-Yeon (Center for the Innovation of Engineering Education, YONSEI University)
Choi Keum-Jin (Engineering Education Research Center, KONKUK University)
Hahm Seung-Yeon (KOREA Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation)
Publication Information
Journal of Engineering Education Research / v.8, no.2, 2005 , pp. 52-63 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to make proposals for the execution of KEC2005. Many universities have taken part in the accredited engineering education programs in order to solve points at issue and to provide world-standard engineering education. Accordingly, ABEEK carried out a research on accreditation criteria that suit Korean system and made an announcement of KEC2005 in 2004. Both accredited and planning-to-be-accredited universities experience difficulty in changing KEC2000 into KEC2005. Major proposals of this study are as follows: First, ABEEK should suggest required conditions of accreditation criteria and detailed examples of them. Second, model and methodology for achievement of outcomes should be presented. Third, practical evaluation should be carried out with professors' voluntary participation. fourth, re-education of engineering education programs evaluators should be carried out. Fifth, ABEEK need to provide an aggressive request for advice and accurate information to universities to be accredited engineering education programs.
Engineering Education; Program Accreditation; Accreditation Criteria; Loaming Outcomes;
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