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An Evaluation of Effects on Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Management of a Community-Based Nursing Care Center Using Cost-Benefit Analysis  

Lim, Ji-Young (Department of Nursing, Inha University)
Im, Jung-Nam (Gwangju City Health Center, Gyeonggi-Do)
Kim, In-A (College of Nursing, Korea University)
Ko, Su-Kyoung (Pfizer Korea)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration / v.16, no.3, 2010 , pp. 295-305 More about this Journal
Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the economic efficiency of a community-based nursing care center to help policy makers determine whether or not to invest in similar facilities. Methods: The subjects were 101 elderly people over 65 years who participated in a health management program from February 1 to July 31, 2007. Direct cost was estimated with center operations cost, medical cost for out-patients and pharmacy cost. Indirect cost was measured by transportation cost. Direct benefit was calculated by saved medical cost for out-patients, saved pharmacy cost, saved transportation cost, and reducing hospital charges. Indirect benefit was estimated with prevention of severe complications. Economic efficiency was evaluated by cost-benefit ratio and net benefit. Results: Operating a community-based nursing care center was found to be cost-effective. Specifically, the cost of operating the center evaluated here was estimated at 135 million won while the benefit was estimated at 187 million won. Benefit-cost ratio was 1.38. Conclusion: The Community-based nursing care center that was described here could be a useful health care delivery system for reducing medical expenditures.
Cost-Benefit analysis; Aged; Community Health Nursing; Hypertension; Diabetes Mellitus;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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