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Study on the Performance Verification Method and Failure Mechanism of Grading Capacitor of a Two-break Circuit-breaker  

Oh, SeungRyle (KEPCO Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation)
Han, Kisun (KEPCO Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation)
Kim, TaeKyun (KEPCO Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation)
Publication Information
KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy / v.5, no.1, 2019 , pp. 11-15 More about this Journal
Recently, the circuit-breaker rated voltage is getting higher as the transmission voltage increases. To increase the circuit-breaker rated voltage, a multi-break circuit-breaker which has two or more breakers in series is adopted. For multi-break circuit-breaker, a grading capacitor is used to mitigate the Transient Recovery Voltage(TRV) and control the voltage distribution across the individual interrupter units. However, all over the world, there are many failures such as mechanical damage, explosion due to insulation breakdown. Therefore, it is necessary to study the causes of failure and the new performance verification method. In this paper, we investigate the causes of dielectric breakdown of the grading capacitors in the KEPCO power system and propose the performance verification method.
Grading capacitor; Multi-break circuit-breaker; Transient Recovery Voltage; TRV;
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  • Reference
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