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Ten new species of families Suberitidae and Polymastiidae (Demospongia: Heteroscleromorpha) from Korea  

Kim, Young A (Natural History Museum, Hannam University)
Sim, Chung Ja (Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Hannam University)
Publication Information
Journal of Species Research / v.10, no.2, 2021 , pp. 168-183 More about this Journal
Ten new species of two families (Suberitidae and Polymastidae) are described from Korea. Six new species in Suberitidae: Plicatellopsis ramosa n. sp., Pseudosuberites anheungensis n. sp. P. youngilensis n. sp., Suberites hwasunensis n. sp., S. chujaensis n. sp. and S. rugosa n. sp. are compared with other similar reported species. All new species differ from previously reported species in morphology, texture, color, skeletal structure, and spicule type. Four new species in Polymastidae: Polymastia fistula n. sp., P. sasuensis n. sp., P. viridis n. sp., and Weberella haengwonensis n. sp. are different from previously reported species in the growth form of papillaes and fistules, color and spicule types. For example, Weberella haengwonensis is similar to Weberella verrucosa in shape, but differs based on surface papillaes and spicule sizes.
Korea; new species; Polymastiidae; Suberitidae;
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  • Reference
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