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Chloroplast genome of white wild chrysanthemum, Dendranthema sp. K247003, as genetic barcode  

Park, Sang Kun (Floriculture Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS), RDA)
Kwon, Soo-Jin (Genomics Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), RDA)
Park, Jihye (Green Plant Institute, B-301, Heungdeok IT Valley)
Lee, Minjee (Green Plant Institute, B-301, Heungdeok IT Valley)
Won, So Youn (Genomics Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), RDA)
Kim, Young Chul (Korea Botanic Garden)
Hwang, Yoon-Jung (Department of Life Science, Sahmyook University)
Sohn, Seong-Han (Genomics Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), RDA)
Lee, Jungho (Green Plant Institute, B-301, Heungdeok IT Valley)
Publication Information
Journal of Species Research / v.4, no.2, 2015 , pp. 152-158 More about this Journal
Dendranthema boreale and D. indicum are easily distinguished from other Korean Dendranthema spp. by having yellow flowers. We have found a putative new taxon of Dendranthema having white flowers, except for sharing most characters with Dendranthema boreale. The chloroplast (cp) genome of the putative new taxon of Dendranthema, Dendranthema sp. K247003, registered in National Agro-Biodiversity Center (ABC), was completely characterized as a genetic barcode. The cp-genome of Dendranthema sp. K247003 was 151,175-bp in size: LSC was 82,886-bp, IR 24,971-bp, SSC 18,347-bp. The cp-genome of Dendranthema sp. K247003 contains 113 genes and 21 introns consisted of 79 protein coding genes, 4 RNA genes, and 30 tRNA genes, with 20 group II introns and one group I intron. Some of the genes and there introns were duplicated in IR. The cp-DNA of Dendranthema sp. K247003 is distinguished from that of D. boreale IT121002 by 67 SNPs in genic regions of 24 protein coding genes and by a 9-bp INDEL in ycf1. Further cp-DNA study will give us better information on genetic markers of Dendranthema species.
Asteraceae; chloroplast genome; Compositae; Dendranthema; INDEL; SNP;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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