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Study on the Annual Building Load Predicting Method using a Polynomial Function  

Yun, Hi-won (Korea Research Institute of Mechanical Facilities Industry)
Choi, Seung-Hyuck (Korea Research Institute of Mechanical Facilities Industry)
Ryu, Hyung-Kyou (Korea Research Institute of Mechanical Facilities Industry)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy / v.13, no.1, 2017 , pp. 7-13 More about this Journal
In order to use and manage the building energy efficiently, it is necessary to minimize building energy consumptions, and establish operation plans of various equipment. The maximum heating and cooling load calculation is an essential way in various equipment selections, and the annual building load calculation is used in forecasting & evaluating the LCC required for operation plan. In this study, noting that the annual building load changes depending on outside temperature around year, we propose a predicting method of annual building load. By using the $4^{th}$ polynomial function that have two double radix and a feature the $f(x)=a^4$ in x = 0 condition, we can calculate annual building load very easily only with the two result (maximum heating and cooling load) and a minimum parameters.
Annual Building Load; Polynomial Function; Amplitude Ratio; Mean Building Load Curve;
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  • Reference
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