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Preparation of O-I hybrid sols using alkoxysilane-functionalized amphiphilic polymer precursor and their application for hydrophobic coating  

Lee, Dae-Gon (Department of Materials Engineering, Kangwon National University)
Kim, Nahae (Department of Materials Engineering, Kangwon National University)
Kim, Hyo Won (Department of Materials Engineering, Kangwon National University)
Kim, Juyoung (Department of Materials Engineering, Kangwon National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Adhesion and Interface / v.20, no.4, 2019 , pp. 146-154 More about this Journal
In this study, alkoxysilane-functionalized amphiphilic polymer (AFAP), which have hydrophilic segment and hydrophobic segment functionalized by alkoxysilane group at the same backbone, was synthesized and used as a dispersant and control agent for reaction rate in the preparation of colloidally stable organic-inorganic (O-I) hybrid sols. After reaction with fluorosilane compounds, fluorinated O-I hybrid sols were prepared and coated onto glass substrate to form hydrophobic O-I hybrid coating films through low-temperature curing process. Surface hardness and hydrophobicity of cured coating films were varied with type of solvent and composition of AFAP and fluorinated alkoxysilane compounds. At appropriate solvent and composition of fluorinated alkoxysilane compounds, O-I hybrid coating film having high transparency and surface hardness could be prepared, which could be applicable to cover window of solar cell and displays.
organic-inorganic (O-I) hybrid; sol-gel; hydrophobic coating; surface hardness; transparency;
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