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Analysis of Multi-layered Thin Film Using ATR FT-IR and pyro-GC/MS  

Park, Sung Il (Department of Chemical Engineering, Dongguk University)
Lee, Jung-Hyun (Hyundai Automotive R&D Division, Material & Analysis Team)
Lee, Myung Cheon (Department of Chemical Engineering, Dongguk University)
Publication Information
Journal of Adhesion and Interface / v.20, no.3, 2019 , pp. 102-109 More about this Journal
The material constitution of multi-layered thin film coated on the PET base film was analyzed using ATR FT-IR and pyro GC/MS combination. The cross section of the film was acquired by cracking the film after dipping in liquid nitrogen and was observed using optical microscope. Total thickness of the coated film was $70{\mu}m$ and three layers were observed. Since each layers were too thin to analyze directly except the surface layer, analyzable area of each layers were exposed by using a proper solvent and were investigated using ATR FT-IR and pyro GC/MS. Results shows that three layers were commonly consisted of urethane-acrylate copolymers. Also, inorganic and/or metal inclusions detected by XPS and SEM-EDAX were exhibited by nano size $SiO_2$ particles in layer(1) and aluminum flakes in layer(2).
Multi-layer; Coating; pyro-GC/MS; ATR FT-IR; Solvent;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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