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Development of Real-Time Scheduling System for OHT Mission Planning  

Lee, Bok-Ju (한국기술교육대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Park, Hee-Mun (한국기술교육대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Kwon, Yong-Hwan ((주)휴민텍 소프트웨어팀)
Han, Kyung-Ah (한국기술교육대학교)
Seo, Kyung-Min (한국기술교육대학교 융합학과)
Publication Information
KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems / v.10, no.7, 2021 , pp. 205-214 More about this Journal
For smart manufacturing, most semiconductor sites utilize automated material handling systems(AMHS). As one of the AMHSs, the OHT control system(OCS) manages overhead hoist transports(OHT) that move along rails installed on the ceiling. This paper proposes a real-time scheduling system to efficiently allocate and control the OHTs in semiconductor logistics processes. The proposed system, as an independent subsystem within the OCS, is interconnected with the main subsystem of the OCS, so that it can be easily modified without the effect of other systems. To develop the system, we first identify the functional requirements of the semiconductor logistics process and classify several types of control scenarios of the OHTs. Next, based on SEMI(Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International) standard, we design sequence diagrams and interface messages between the subsystems. The developed system is interoperated with the OCS main subsystem and the database in real time and performs two major roles: 1) OHT dispatching and 2) pathfinding. Six integrated tests were carried out to verify the functions of the developed system. The system was normally operated on six basic scenarios and two exception scenarios and we proved that it is suitable for the mission planning of the OHTs.
Semiconductor Manufacturing; Logistics Process; OHT(Overhead Hoist Transport); Vehicle Dispatching; Path Finding;
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