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A Survivability Model of an Intrusion Tolerance System  

Park, Bum-Joo (삼성전자 첨단기술연구소)
Park, Kie-Jin (아주대학교 산업정보시스템공학부)
Kim, Sung-Soo (아주대학교 정보통신전문대학운)
There have been large concerns about survivability defined as the capability of a system to perform a mission-critical role, in a timely manner, in the presence of attacks, failures. In particular, One of the most important core technologies required for the design of the ITS(Intrusion Tolerance System) that performs continuously minimal essential services even when the computer system is partially compromised because of intrusions is the survivability one of In included the dependability analysis of a reliability and availability etc. quantitative dependability analysis of the In. In this Paper, we applied self-healing mechanism utilizing two factors of self-healing mechanism (fault model and system response), the core technology of autonomic computing to secure the protection power of the ITS and consisted of a state transition diagram of the ITS composed of a primary server and a backup server. We also defined the survivability, availability, and downtime cost of the ITS, and then performed studies on simulation experiments and two cases of vulnerability attack. Simulation results show that intrusion tolerance capability at the initial state is more important than coping capability at the attack state in terms of the dependability enhancement.
Survivability; Intrusion Tolerance System; Vulnerability; Self-healing; Availability;
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