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A Light-Weight RFID Distance Bounding Protocol  

Ahn, Hae-Soon (대구대학교 기초교육원 컴퓨터과정)
Bu, Ki-Dong (경일대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Yoon, Eun-Jun (경북대학교 전자전기컴퓨터학부)
Nam, In-Gil (대구대학교 컴퓨터.IT공학부)
Recently, it is proved that contactless smart-card based RFID tags, which is used for proximity authentication, are vulnerable to relay attacks with various location-based attacks such as distance fraud, mafia fraud and terrorist fraud attacks. Moreover, distance bounding protocols have been researched to prevent these relay attacks that can measure the message transmitted round-trip time between the reader and the tag. In 2005, Hancke and Kuhn first proposed an RFID distance bounding protocol based on secure hash function. However, the Hancke-Kuhn protocol cannot completely prevent the relay attacks because an adversary has (3/4)$^n$ attack success probability. Thus, this paper proposes a new distance-bounding protocol for light-weight RFID systems that can reduce to (5/8)$^n$ for the adversary's attack success probability. As a result, the proposed protocol not only can provide high-space efficient based on a secure hash function and XOR operation, but also can provide strong security against the relay attacks because the adversary's attack success probability is optimized to (5/8)$^n$.
RFID; Authentication; Distance Bounding Protocol; Relay Attacks; Mafia Fraud Attack; Terrorist Fraud Attack;
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  • Reference
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