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From TMJ to 3D Digital Smile Design with Virtual Patient Dataset for diagnosis and treatment planning  

Lee, Soo Young (Private practice, Obokmanse Dental Clinic)
Kang, Dong Huy (Private practice, Happiness Dental Clinic)
Lee, Doyun (Private practice, W White Dental Clinic)
Kim, Heechul (Private practice, Doctorplant Dental Clinic)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry / v.30, no.2, 2021 , pp. 71-90 More about this Journal
The virtual patient dataset is a collection of diagnostic data from various sources acquired from a single patient into a coordinate system of three-dimensional visualization. Virtual patient dataset makes it possible to establish a treatment plan, simulate various treatment procedures, and create a treatment planning delivery device. Clinicians can design and simulate a patient's smile on the virtual patient dataset and select the optimal result from the diagnostic process. The selected treatment plan can be delivered identically to the patient using manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing, milling, and injection molding. The delivery of this treatment plan can be linked to the final prosthesis through mockup confirmation through provisional restoration fabrication and delivery in the patient's mouth. In this way, if the diagnostic data superimposition and processing accuracy during the manufacturing process are guaranteed, 3D digital smile design simulated in 3D visualization can be accurately delivered to the real patient. As a clinical application method of the virtual patient dataset, we suggest a decision-making method that can exclude occlusal adjustment treatment from the treatment plan through the digital occlusal pressure analysis. A comparative analysis of whole-body scans before and after temporomandibular joint treatment was suggested for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients with temporomandibular joint disease. Occlusal plane and smile aesthetic analysis based on the virtual patient dataset was presented when treating patients with complete dentures.
virtual patient dataset; digital smile design; temporomandibular joint; adolescent idiopathic scoliosis; digital occlusal pressure analysis; digital denture;
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