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Improvement Devices of Urban Center′s Green Function of the Public Open Space Attached Building in Incheon, Korea  

Cho, Woo (Dept. of Environment and Ecology, Incheon Development Institute)
Lee, Yong-Joo (Park Development and Management Office of the East)
Lee, Kyung-Jae (School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, Univ. of Seoul)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology / v.17, no.3, 2003 , pp. 258-267 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to present improvement devices of urban center's green function in the Public Open Space Attached Building(P.O.S.) in Incheon, Korea. Study sites were the P.O.S. of office building(10 place), transportation facility building(3 places), government office building(2 places) that were made up 1994∼2002 and analyzed establishment, using and planting status. And P.O.S.'s planting area structure of Osaka and Kawasaki in Japan that is operating P.O.S. system similar to Korea was compared with study sites of Incheon. P.O.S. of Incheon is not managing as valuable urban center's green and establishing to satisfy legal requirement. The strengthening devices of P.O.S. function are as follows. First, it is desirable that planting area rate of P.O.S. in order to develop small park in urban center is increasing by 40% that is children's park level. Second, it must be conferred about planting basis, tree selection and planting method etc. of P.O.S. with green and park development department at building authorization. Third, by the 'landscape planting standard of plottage' that is becoming planting standard of P.O.S is heightened and must increase quality and amount of green. Fourth, it is required mandatory establishing of sign so that citizens can search easily and utilize of P.O.S. Fifth, legal regulation should be decided to prevent that P.O.S. is used unlike purpose originally.
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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