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Scheduling of Parallel Offset Printing Process for Packaging Printing  

Jaekyeong, Moon (Department of Digital Healthcare Research, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
Hyunchul, Tae (Department of Digital Healthcare Research, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
Publication Information
KOREAN JOURNAL OF PACKAGING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / v.28, no.3, 2022 , pp. 183-192 More about this Journal
With the growth of the packaging industry, demand on the packaging printing comes in various forms. Customers' orders are diversifying and the standards for quality are increasing. Offset printing is mainly used in the packaging printing since it is easy to print in large quantities. However, productivity of the offset printing decreases when printing various order. This is because it takes time to change colors for each printing unit. Therefore, scheduling that minimizes the color replacement time and shortens the overall makespan is required. By the existing manual method based on workers' experience or intuition, scheduling results may vary for workers and this uncertainty increase the production cost. In this study, we propose an automated scheduling method of parallel offset printing process for packaging printing. We decompose the original problem into assigning and sequencing orders, and ink arrangement for printing problems. Vehicle routing problem and assignment problem are applied to each part. Mixed integer programming is used to model the problem mathematically. But it needs a lot of computational time to solve as the size of the problem grows. So guided local search algorithm is used to solve the problem. Through actual data experiments, we reviewed our method's applicability and role in the field.
Packaging printing; Offset printing; Scheduling; Assignment problem; Vehicle routing problem;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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