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Development of Metal-free Pump and Uni-material Packaging for Cosmetics to Improve Recycling  

Sang Kyu, Ryu (Korea Conformity Laboratories)
Ho Sang, Kang (SAMHWA Co.,Ltd.)
Jae Young, Oh (Korea Conformity Laboratories)
Publication Information
KOREAN JOURNAL OF PACKAGING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / v.28, no.3, 2022 , pp. 171-174 More about this Journal
Cosmetic packing materials tend to be difficult to recycle when discarded due to the cosmetic industry's pursuit of aesthetics, functionality, and high value-added design. Pump packaging, which is widely used for the good preservation and discharge of cosmetics contents, is difficult to be separated and recycled because of a metal spring, which is in charge of pump resilience. In this study, a polypropylene spring was developed to replace the existing metal spring to improve the recyclability of the pump packaging for cosmetics, and was uni-materialized by applying to the cosmetic packing materials with 0.2 ml of discharge amount. In addition, performance test was conducted to verify the equivalence with the existing metal spring pumps as grounds for the commercialization of metal-free uni material pump packaging. The decompression leak test showed no leakage and displayed 14.8~17.5 N of pressing strength, 2.3~8.8 % of deviation in dispensing volume, and 4 occasions of pumping for initial discharge.
metal free pump; plastic spring; uni-material packaging; recycling; environmental packaging;
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  • Reference
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