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Superchilling and Packaging Technology for High-quality Perishable Food Distribution: A Review  

Yang, Su-jung (N-Logis)
Choi, Seok (TLK Korea)
Kim, Jongkyoung (Korea Conformity Laboratories)
Publication Information
KOREAN JOURNAL OF PACKAGING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / v.24, no.3, 2018 , pp. 159-165 More about this Journal
This review outlines the past and current technology development and research trends on the superchilling technic along with packaging technology such as modified atmosphere packaging. A superchilling technic combined with appropriate packaging technologies such as Modified Atmosphere Packaging is beneficial and promising for fish and meat products in terms of freshness and shelf-life extension although there are many barriers for commercialization such as temperature control throughout supply chain.
Superchilling; Packaging; Cold chain; perishable foods; distribution;
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  • Reference
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