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Traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Patient with Jejunal Perforation  

Go, Seung Je (Department of Surgery, Trauma Center, of Dan-Kook University Hospital)
Yoon, Jeung Seuk (Department of Surgery, Trauma Center, of Dan-Kook University Hospital)
Yun, Jung Ho (Department of Trauma Center, Neurosurgery of Dan-Kook University Hospital)
Publication Information
Journal of Trauma and Injury / v.26, no.4, 2013 , pp. 319-322 More about this Journal
A 66 year-old woman had cervical spinal cord injury by an automobile. We performed emergency operation for partial quadriplegia. She recovered from motor weakness gradually, but complained of abdominal distension and mild dyspnea. A physical examination of her abdomen did not have tenderness and rebound tenderness. She underwent a decubitus view of chest X-ray due to aggravated dyspnea at postoperative 4 days. We detected free air gas of abdomen and immediately identified a cause of pneumoperitoneum by abdominal computed tomography. We performed an emergent laparotomy and confirmed a jejunal perforation. After an operation, she recovered well and is under rehabilitation.
Cervical spinal cord injury; Physical examination; Jejunal perforation;
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  • Reference
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