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Accuracy of Precision Ground Coordinates Determination Using Inverse RPC in KOMPSAT Satellite Data  

Seo, DooChun (자료처리.검보정팀)
Jung, JaeHun (자료처리.검보정팀)
Hong, KiByung (자료처리.검보정팀)
Publication Information
Aerospace Engineering and Technology / v.13, no.2, 2014 , pp. 99-107 More about this Journal
There are two types of Physical Model and RFM (Rational Function Model) is to determinate ground coordinates using KOMPSAT-2 and KOMPSAT-3 satellite data. Generally, RPCs(Rational Polynomial Coefficients) based on RFM is provided for users. This RPCs is to compute the ground coordinates to the image coordinates. If users produce ortho-image with provided RPCs is useful, directly compute the ground coordinates corresponding to image coordinates and check location accuracy etc. are difficult. In this study, a basic algorithm of inverse RPCs that calculates the image coordinates to ground coordinates, compute based on provided RPCs and evaluation of determinated ground coordinates using developed inverse RPCs were proposed.
KOMPSAT; Physical Model; RFM:Rational Function Model; Inverse Model; Ground Coordinates;
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  • Reference
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