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A Study on the Prediction Technique of Impact Dispersion Area for Flight Safety Analysis  

Choi, Kyu-Sung (발사체품질보증팀)
Sim, Hyung-Seok (발사체품질보증팀)
Ko, Jeong-Hwan (발사체품질보증팀)
Chung, Eui-Seung (발사체품질보증팀)
Publication Information
Aerospace Engineering and Technology / v.13, no.2, 2014 , pp. 177-184 More about this Journal
Flight safety analyses concerned with Launch Vehicle are performed to measure the risk to the people, ship and aircraft using impact point and impact dispersion area of debris generated by on-trajectory failures and malfunction turns. Predictions of impact point and impact dispersion area are essential for launch vehicle's flight safety analysis. Usually, impact dispersion area can be estimated in using Monte-Carlo simulation. However, Monte-Carlo method requires more several hundreds of iterative calculations which requires quite some time to produce impact dispersion area. Herein, we check the possibility of applying JU(Julier Uhlmann) transformation and Taguchi method instead of Monte-Carlo method and we propose a best method in terms of compuational time to produce impact dispersion area by comparing the results of the three methods.
Flight Safety Analysis; Monte-Carlo Simulation; Taguchi Method; Unscented Kalman Filter; Impac Point; Impact Dispersion Area; Launch Vehicle;
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  • Reference
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