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Transportation of KSLV-I FM unit 2 VEB Assembly  

Choi, Sang-Hyeon (한국항공우주연구원 체계종합팀)
Park, Jong-Chan (한국항공우주연구원 체계종합팀)
Won, You-Jin (한국항공우주연구원 체계종합팀)
Lee, Soo-Jin (한국항공우주연구원 체계종합팀)
Chung, Eui-Seung (한국항공우주연구원 체계종합팀)
Publication Information
Aerospace Engineering and Technology / v.10, no.1, 2011 , pp. 20-29 More about this Journal
There are a lot of electrical and electronic components and pneumatic parts sensitive to vibration and shock in the VEB assembly which KARI directly transports among the KSLV-I upper stage transportation items. So, the special attention in the transportation is required. The transportation container with the apparatus for controlling environment was made in order to meet the requirements. The transportation tests using the engineering model were performed 4 times to verify the performance of the transportation container and to conform the transportation conditions(transportation velocity, route, etc.). In this document, the previous transportation history of the VEB assembly, the overview and the result of the KSLV-I FM unit 2 VEB assembly transportation are described.
launch vehicle; FM unit 2; VEB(vehicle equipment bay); transportation; container; acceleration;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
1 NASA SP-8077, "Transportation and Handling Loads", September 1971
2 최상현, 박종찬, 이창배, 전영두, 정의승, "VEB 조합체 이송 컨테이너 제작 및 이송 시험", 한국항공우주학회 추계학술발표회, November 2007, pp. 378-381
3 최상현, 박종찬, 이창배, 김광수, 정의승, "KSLV-I EM VEB 조합체 이송 시험", 한국항공우주학회 춘계학술발표회, April 2008, pp. 224-227
4 최상현, 박종찬, 김광수, 정의승, "KSLV-I 인증 모델 VEB 조합체 이송", 한국항공우주학회 춘계학술발표회, April 2009, pp. 492-495