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Development of Technology for Optimized Wing Design of Subsonic Aircraft  

Kim, Cheol-Wan (한국항공우주연구원 공력구조팀)
Choi, Dong-Hoon (한양대학교)
Publication Information
Aerospace Engineering and Technology / v.10, no.1, 2011 , pp. 175-182 More about this Journal
Optimized design was performed for a subsonic aircraft wing. The subsonic aircraft is dual turbo-prop and carrying less than 100 passengers. The cruise speed is Mach 0.6. The design was performed by two stages. The first stage is to decide the height of horizontal tail by analyzing the directional stability with Vorstab and then, the optimized wing configuration was selected with Piano, a optimizer commercially available. Fluent, a commercial CFD software was utilized to predict the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft. Drag of the aircraft was minimized with maintaining constant lift for cruise. The optimization reduced 10 counts from the initial wing configuration.
CFD; design optimization; subsonic aircraft; wing design;
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