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Scan Mirror Emissivity Compensation for the COMS MI  

S대, Seok-Bae (한국항공우주연구원 위성지상시스템개발팀)
Jin, Kyoung-Wook (한국항공우주연구원 정지궤도위성 체계팀)
Ahn, Sang-Il (한국항공우주연구원 위성지상시스템개발팀)
Publication Information
Aerospace Engineering and Technology / v.10, no.1, 2011 , pp. 156-166 More about this Journal
COMS (Communication Ocean and Meteorological Satellite), the Korea's first geostationary Earth observation satellite, started to operate 24 hours to observe Land/Ocean/Atmosphere with the MI (Meteorological Imager) and GOCI (Geostationary Ocean Color Imager). After the successful completion of the IOT (In-Orbit Test), the satellite is in normal operation from April of 2011. This paper describes an algorithm for scan mirror emissivity compensation of the COMS MI and its software implementation.
COMS; MI; Scan Mirror; Emissivity Compensation;
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  • Reference
1 C. LEDEZ(Astrium), MI Radiometric Model Issue03 Rev.01 - Doc. No. COMS.TN.00116.DP.T.ASTR, 29 April, 2009
2 서석배, 진경욱, COMS MI 적외밴드 기울기 계산, 한국항공우주연구원 기술논문 KARIGDT-TM-2010-23, 10 November, 2010.
3 서석배, 통신해양기상위성 MI Telemetry 추출 소프트웨어 개발, 한국항공우주연구원 기술논문 KARI-GST-TM-2009-002, 14 December, 2009.
4 ITT Space System Division, CAGI Calibration And Alignment Handbook Rev.B - Doc. No. 8216505, 8 August, 2008.
5 서석배, 진경욱, COMS MI 스캔미러 보정을 위한 계수결정 소프트웨어 개발, 한국항공우주연구원 기술논문 KARI-GDT-TM-2010-024, 29 November, 2010.
6 기상청, 기상위성테크놀로지, 발간등록번호 11-1360000-000620-08, 2010년 가을호.
7 ITT Space System Division, ITT COMS MI Operational Reference Manual Rev.E - Doc. No. 8216504 , 8 December, 2008.