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The multi-temporal characteristics of spectral vegetation indices for agricultural land use on RapidEye satellite imagery  

Kim, Hyun-Ok (한국항공우주연구원 영상활용기술팀)
Yeom, Jong-Min (한국항공우주연구원 영상활용기술팀)
Kim, Youn-Soo (한국항공우주연구원 영상활용기술팀)
Publication Information
Aerospace Engineering and Technology / v.10, no.1, 2011 , pp. 149-155 More about this Journal
A fast-changing agriculture environment induced by global warming and abnormal climate conditions demands scientific systems for monitoring and predicting crop conditions as well as crop yields at national level. Remote sensing opens up a new application field for precision agriculture with the help of commercial use of high resolution optical as well as radar satellite data. In this study, we investigated the multi-temporal spectral characteristics relative to different agricultural land use types in Korea using RapidEye satellite imagery. There were explicit differences between vegetation and non-vegetation land use types. Also, within the vegetation group spectral vegetation indices represented differences in temporal changing trends as to plant species and paddy types.
RapideEye; multi-temporal; spectral vegetation indices; temporal characteristics; agricultural land use;
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  • Reference
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