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A study on university office worker's perception of indoor air quality (Focused on K university)  

Shin, Eun-Young (경기대학교 대학원 건축공학과)
Kim, Gwang-Hee (경기대학교 플랜트.건축공학과)
Publication Information
The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research / v.16, no.3, 2017 , pp. 69-76 More about this Journal
Indoor Air Quality(IAQ) affects physical and mental state of person who is residing indoor. Also, it manages daily life condition of Indoor Air in the building. According to the study, office workers spend 23 hours and 12 minutes, about 97% of his/her day indoor. Therefore, Indoor air quality affects not only the health of the person whose staying inside for a long hours but also the productivity and efficiency of work. This study conduct investigations on employees' awareness of indoor air quality of office in university. By doing so, we are able to determine current situation and provide basic data of improvement for derived problems. As a result, most of the respondents were not satisfied with ventilation and moisture which are elements of Indoor Air Quality. These led people to struggle with symptoms of health. Therefore, to improve the indoor air quality of a university office, it is necessary to exchange the air six times an hour according to recommendation of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)in the United States. Also, plan for Ventilation system that consider temperature, humidity and air flow indoor shall be provided for high quality conformability. furthermore, It is necessary to consider the multilateral in factors of generation of revenue through health care savings of workers and improvement of productivity.
University office; Indoor Air Quality; Indoor Air Pollution; Building Sick Syndrome;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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