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A Comparative Study on Space Organization of Kindergarten in Korea and Japan  

Park, Sung-Chul (한국교육개발원 교육시설.환경연구센터)
Song, Byung-Joon (한국교육개발원 교육시설.환경연구센터)
Cho, Jin-Il (한국교육개발원 교육시설.환경연구센터)
Publication Information
The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research / v.15, no.1, 2016 , pp. 19-29 More about this Journal
This study aims to find a direction for desirable space organization in future Korean kindergartens by analyzing the current status of space organization in Japanese kindergartens. This study includes comparisons and analyses of Korean and Japanese curricula, facility standards on the national level and standards of national subsidy, current numbers of kindergarteners and preschoolers, and changes in kindergarten facilities over the last 5 years. Six kindergartens each in Korea and Japan, which were constructed after 2011 or are recommended as being good in space organization and kindergarten planning, are selected. The contents of space organization analysis are 'entry and placement, outdoor space', 'space program,' and 'plan design and organization of unit space'. In conclusion, in terms of space organization, Korean and Japanese kindergartens are very similar to each other. However, Japanese kindergartens have more outdoor space about $9.75m^2$ and lot area about $11.89m^2$ than Korean kindergartens. The extra space was used to educate students in various contents regarding social network and physical activity. Furthermore, in Japan, special spaces such as "atelier classes" and "PTA" were used for various types of education. Based on the results of the study will be developed, such as specific models and guidelines for the improvement of facilities Korea kindergarten.
kindergarten; space of kindergarten; comparison of space;
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  • Reference
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