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An Analysis on Current Status of Certification for Green Building Revitalization in School - Focused on the School Located in Gyeonggi-do Province -  

Kim, Jang-Young (경기도교육청 시설과)
Kim, Sung-Joong ((사)한국교육.녹색환경연구원 기획관리국)
Lee, Seung-Min ((사)한국교육.녹색환경연구원)
Publication Information
The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research / v.14, no.3, 2015 , pp. 9-17 More about this Journal
In this paper, there are several analysis on G-SEED, Building Energy Efficiency Rating System, Energy Performance Index, Energy Saving Plan about how they are applied by classification and planning standard. The analysis result found out that G-SEED has low select percentage by having difficulties to managing and additional cost when the each class is selected. And also, Building Energy Efficiency Rating System in school is planed in comparably simple design and similar size and also mostly uses high efficient machines, which was in high lever comparing to the system in facilities in other uses. In the case of EPI, there are differences on acquiring grades by each region. Especially, Gyung-gi region has a low grade on architecture part comparing to other parts, which seems to acquire more grades by strengthen insulation performance. By the result from the three standards, many facilities has only formal plan to pass the required standard without considering specialities of each buildings, which has a tendency to have a pattern to have a minimum criteria. However, School has a symbolic building which has a obligation to be the base of the aim for growing green energy buildings and green education for students. Therefore, planning with understanding of specialities of the facility, having various and rational evaluation standards from the planning of the building is necessary.
School; G-SEED; Building Energy Efficiency Rating System; Energy Performance Index;
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  • Reference
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