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A Literature Review on the Application of the Propensity Score Matching Method in the Field of Asian Oncology  

Dong-hyeon, Kim (Korean Medicine Class, Daejeon National University)
Jong-hee, Kim (Korean Medicine Class, Daejeon National University)
Hwa-seung, Yoo (East-West Cancer Center, Seoul Korean Medicine Hospital of Daejeon National University)
So-jung, Park (Pusan Korean Medicine Hospital, Korean Medicine Graduate School of Pusan National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology / v.27, no.1, 2022 , pp. 25-36 More about this Journal
The Randomized Control Trial (RCT) is the most well-established and widely used statistical methodology in clinical research; however, applying thorough RCT to cancer patients presents challenges such as ethical concerns, high costs, short clinical periods, and limitations in collecting various side effects. To address this issue, the propensity score matching method, which takes advantage of the benefits of observational research while compensating for the drawbacks of randomized control trials, is used in a variety of fields. In recent years, 28 studies on the effectiveness of Korean medicine on tumors have been conducted abroad using the Propensity Score Matching Method, but none have been conducted in Korea. The majority of studies have focused on liver cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and stomach cancer, with endpoints such as survival time, incidence rate, quality of life, and treatment outcomes revealing statistical differences in how Korean medicine intervention affects treatment outcomes. As a result, well-established studies using the propensity matching score methodology should be useful in evaluating the impact of Korean medicine in oncology treatments.
Propensity Score Matching(PSM); Korean Medicine; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Oncology; Cancer; Carcinoma;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 12  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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