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Study on the Means of Legislating the Range of Ownership of Air Space Above Land for Drone Taxi (UAM)  

Choi, Ja-Seong (항공대학교 항공우주법학, 인천국제공항공사)
Sung, Yeon-Young (항공대학교 항공우주법학, 한국항공협회)
Shim, Yun-Seob (숭실대학교 안전보건융합공학과, 합참)
Hwang, Ho-Won (한국항공대학교 항공교통물류학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.30, no.1, 2022 , pp. 20-27 More about this Journal
It is anticipated that there will be radical disputes over land ownership in the event of the advent of the era of UAM. As such, policy alternative is presented by analyzing and researching relevant laws at home and abroad on the means of legislating 'Regulations on compensation for use of air space above land' in preparation of such occurrence. As the results of the study, it is deemed to limit the range of the land ownership in accordance with UAM operation as follows. First, it is proposed to newly enact regulation to limit the ownership of air space of land owner to the public space above the elevation of 200m as stipulated under the Article 78 of the Aviation Safety Act. Second, as the result of analysis made for the option of making compensation from the perspective of the property right of land ownership and option of not making compensation from the perspectives of public interest and concerns in the event of operation of UAM within the air space below the elevation of 200m, it is deemed that legislative decision is necessary through more extensive studies in the future.
Drone Taxi; UAM; eVTOL; Land Ownership; Air Space Above;
Citations & Related Records
연도 인용수 순위
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