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The Effects of Personality Types of Flight Instructor and Student Pilot on the Introductory Flight Training Results  

Yoon, Youkyung (공군사관학교 인문학과)
Lee, Seungwon (공군사관학교 212비행교육대대)
Park, Seikwon (공군사관학교 시스템공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.23, no.4, 2015 , pp. 57-65 More about this Journal
In this study, MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) test was carried out targeting flight instructors and student pilots in charge of introductory flight training course. The results was analyzed in accordance with the personality type, the preferred indicator, and the combination of preferred indicators in order to see how these characteristics affect the flight training results. Most of personality types of the instructor, regardless of the attitude category such as E or I, were -STJ(70.6%), however the student pilot showed a variety of personality types, rather than professors. Sensing-type(S) students showed higher academic achievement scores than Intuition-type(N), and Judging-type(J) students showed higher academic achievement scores and pilot qualification scores than Perceiving-type(P). The success rate of Extraversion-type(E) student pilots was higher than that of Introversion-type(I) student pilots. As the personality combinations of instructor and student pilot, the academic achievement scores of Judging-Judging(J-J) type were higher than those of Perceiving-Perceiving(P-P) type. The combination of Extraversion-Extraversion(E-E) type showed higher success rate than Extraversion-Introversion(E-I). This result suggests that if both instructor and student pilot have same attitude of Extroversion(E), good training results can be expected.
Introductory flight training course; Pilot aptitude; Personality type; MBTI; Flight training results;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
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