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User Interface Satisfaction of the Air Traffic Control System  

Song, Chang-Sun (연세대학교 인지과학협동과정 산업심리학)
Sohn, Young-Woo (연세대학교 심리학과)
Kwon, Hyuk-Jin (국토교통부 항공보안과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.22, no.4, 2014 , pp. 1-7 More about this Journal
The purpose of study is to investigate the current user interface level of air traffic control system with the usability analysis and satisfaction survey questionnaire on user satisfaction. Think aloud protocol is used to identify not only task analysis, but also the level of user-friendliness of the FIMS and ASDE system, and the user interface questionnaires was conducted by QUIS. We collected data from 6 controllers for Think aloud protocol and 15 controllers for QUIS in Incheon airport. The results showed that the system was the valuable tool for ensuring human performance with the support of memory and the facilitation of decision-making tasks. It helps air traffic controllers perform better and minimize errors in a congested time. The human-computer interface system design, however, was not applied, which led to the increase of workload. Air traffic controller participation in software development provided excellent examples for applications in terms of software in FIMS. Based on these results, the study provided that the usability of system interface was necessary to take into account human factors. The development and design of system was discussed in User Interface environment.
Air Traffic Controller; User Interface Satisfaction; QUIS;
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