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Probabilistic Model for Air Traffic Controller Sequencing Strategy  

Kim, Minji (한국항공대학교 대학원 항공교통물류학과)
Hong, Sungkwon (한국항공대학교 대학원 항공교통물류학과)
Lee, Keumjin (한국항공대학교 항공교통물류학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.22, no.3, 2014 , pp. 8-14 More about this Journal
Arrival management is a tool which provides efficient flow of traffic and reduces ATC workload by determining aircraft's sequence and schedules while they are in cruise phase. As a decision support tool, arrival management should advise on air traffic control service based on the understanding of human factor of its user, air traffic controller. This paper proposed a prediction model for air traffic controller sequencing strategy by analyzing the historical trajectory data. Statistical analysis is used to find how air traffic controller decides the sequence of aircraft based on the speed difference and the airspace entering time difference of aircraft. Logistic regression was applied for the proposed model and its performance was demonstrated through the comparison of the real operational data.
Air Traffic Management; Arrival Management; Sequencing Strategy; Air Traffic Controller; Logistic Regression;
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  • Reference
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