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A Study on the Improvement Methods on Cabin Safety Actions in Aircraft Accidents -Focused on Cabin Crew Safety Performances & Passenger Perceptions of Cabin Safety Information -  

Yoo, Kyung-In (한국항공대학교 항공안전관리연구소)
Yoo, Kwang-Eui (한국항공대학교 항공교통물류우주법학부)
Lee, Chun-Ki (용인대학교 항공운항학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.21, no.4, 2013 , pp. 126-136 More about this Journal
Aircraft accidents these days, following the mega sizing trend of the aircraft, result in enormous losses of human lives apart from those of property, which cannot be replaced by any means. As most recently, in April 20, 2012, a Boeing 737 passenger plane departed Karachi on an augural flight to Islamabad, Pakistan, crashed close to an express highway on final approach, all 121 passengers and 6 crew members were killed. As such a large number of fatalities have been recorded in aircraft accidents while accident investigation results show that more than 95% of aircraft accidents are now survivable. There are three basic stages in surviving the aircraft accident: surviving the crash impact, the evacuation process and the hostile post evacuation environmental elements. These stages require the cabin crew's expeditious and appropriate actions on the basis of systematic and thorough cabin safety training in order to increase occupants' survivability, along with the passengers' preparedness. In this aspect, this paper examines the issues acting as the impediments to the passenger survival in inflight emergency situations, that are the deficiencies with cabin crew safety training, related performances and the shortcomings in passengers' knowledge on inflight safety information, leading to their inappropriate responses to emergency situations. These issues are analyzed and the root causes are identified, suggesting the resolving countermeasures.
aircraft accident; passenger; cabin crew member; cabin safety; passenger briefing; briefing card; brace positions for impact; perception; emergency evacuation; survival;
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  • Reference
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