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Study on Choice Attributes for Low-Cost Carriers Using IPA  

Park, Young Sik (초당대학교 항공운항서비스학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.21, no.4, 2013 , pp. 112-118 More about this Journal
Air travel demand has recently been growing and establishment and operation of low-cost carriers have been increased. Against this backdrop, low-cost carriers need to figure out diversified customer demand for low-cost carriers and ways to maximize marketing efficiency before applying it to the field so that they can attain superiority to large carriers in increased intensified competition. Low-cost carriers need to be differentiated from other carriers for the purpose of improving profits. Toward this end, this study conducted analysis on importance and satisfaction with carrier choice using IPA with regard to low-cost carrier customers. In conclusion, the paper accurately examined advantages and disadvantages of low-cost carriers compared to general carriers based on results of IPA analysis and suggested managerial strategies to enhance competitiveness based on division into four parts including maintenance and enforcement (1st quadrant, Delay compensation, Booking rapidity, Check rapidity, Crew service, refund service, baggage service, punctuality, transit services, airlines images), concentrated improvement (2nd quadrant, price, Convenience of seat), passive administration (3rd quadrant, Boarding service, cabin cleanliness, flight schedule, whether local crew on board, meal service, in-flight entertainment service), and enhanced satisfaction (4th quadrant, duty-free service, Variety of routes), so that practical suggestions could be presented to employees working in the field.
IPA:Importance-Performance; low-cost carrier; Choice attributes; Air travel;
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  • Reference
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