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The design and implementation of a cockpit display with ADS-B  

Hong, Gyo-Young (한서대학교 항공기술연구소)
Kim, Young-In (한서대학교 항공기술교육원)
Ahn, Dong-Man (한서대학교 항공전자시뮬레이션학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.18, no.2, 2010 , pp. 9-15 More about this Journal
ADS-B(Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) has been recognized as a key component of Surveillance and ATM in CNS/ATM System. In addition to providing surveillance for air traffic control(ATC), ADS-B also supports airborne applications such as enhanced traffic situational awareness through the display of other aircraft to pilots and flight crew. It provides the real-time and same air traffic information to pilots in the aircraft cockpit, air traffic controllers in tower and surface vehicles on the ground at the same time. Aircraft Cockpit Display Unit will display the given information precisely and accurately. This paper describes progress in the development of a Cockpit Display with ADS-B data that enable pilots to acquire, verify and maintain pre-defined spacing intervals from other aircraft for general aviation and small regional aircraft. The designed display provides analogous information in the form of traffic position, range, and ground speed, etc.
CNS/ATM; ADS-B; Traffic Situation Awareness; TIS-B; MFD;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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