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Effect of Acupuncture and Massage on Iliopsoas Muscle in Patients with Restless Leg Syndrome : Case Report  

Park, Won-Hyung (Dept. of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Sang-Ji University)
Cha, Yun-Yeop (Dept. of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Sang-Ji University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation / v.23, no.2, 2013 , pp. 163-174 More about this Journal
Restless legs syndrome(RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by an irresistible urge to move legs to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations. We report a new approach to improve RLS using acupuncture and massage on iliopsoas Muscle. The patients who have RLS were treated by acupuncture and massage on iliopsoas Muscle. We measured 3~6 times IRLS(Korean Versoin of International Restless Legs Scale), VAS(visual analogue scale), and angle(between the legs and the table) during the treatment period. After treatment, RLS symptoms decreased, In case 1, IRLS changed 34 to 10, VAS changed 8 to 2, angle changed 20 to 5. In case 2, IRLS changed 22 to 12, VAS changed 10 to 5, angle changed 15 to 10. In case 3, IRLS changed 30 to 9, VAS changed 8 to 1, angle changed 25 to 5. Acupuncture and massage on iliopsoas muscle for RLS was effective. To effective acupuncture treatment for RLS, more research is needed.
Restless Lesg Sydrome; Iliopsoas muscle; International Restless Legs Scale; Visual analogue scale;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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