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The Study on Effect of Warming the Meridian Therapy about the Pain Control of Korean Medical Theory - in the 『Hwangjenaegyeong』 -  

Cha, Yun-Yeop (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Sang-Ji University)
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Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation / v.20, no.4, 2010 , pp. 51-56 More about this Journal
Objectives and Methods : This study was performed to know about the reason of pain, the type of pain, etc. from "Somun(素問)" and "Yeongchu(靈樞)" of "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)". And then we recognized the rational Korean medical physiotherapy about the pain control. Results : There was well described about the pain in "Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)". It was explained that the reason of pain was cold pathogenic factor one of the six exogenous pathogens. If the body was cold and qi-blood was lack of free flow, and the pain was occurred. Conclusions : According to above results, warming the meridian therapy is rational Korean medical physiotherapy about the pain control. An that gives positive effect about the pain control.
Korean medical physiotherapy; Warming the meridian therapy; Pain control; Cold pathogenic factor one of the six exogenous pathogens; Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經);
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