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Study on Vertical Dynamics Compensation for Wobbling Effect Mitigation of Electrostatically Levitated Gyroscope  

Lee, Jongmin (Konkuk University)
Song, Hyungmin (Konkuk University)
Sung, Sangkyung (Konkuk University)
Kim, Chang Joo (Konkuk University)
Lee, Sangwoo (Agency for Defense Development)
Publication Information
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / v.15, no.3, 2014 , pp. 293-301 More about this Journal
We present a study of vertical dynamics control of an electrostatically levitated gyro-accelerometer considering the wobbling effect and propose a tilt stabilization method with newly introduced control electrodes. Typically, a rotor in a vacuum rotates at high velocity, which may create a drift rate and lead to displacement instability due to the tilt angle of the rotor. To analyze this, first we set up a vertical dynamic equation and determined simulation results regarding displacement control. After deriving an equation for drift dynamics, we analyzed the drift rate of the rotor and the wobbling effect for displacement control quantitatively. Then, we designed new sub-electrodes for moment control that will decrease the drift amplitude of wobbling dynamics. Finally, a simulation study demonstrated that the vertical displacement control with the wobbling compensation electrodes mitigated the rotor's drift rate, showing the effectiveness of the newly proposed control electrodes.
gyroscope; levitated gyro-accelerometer; wobbling effect; drift rate; moment control;
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  • Reference
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