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Comparison of network pharmacology based analysis on White Ginseng and Red Ginseng  

Park, Sohyun (School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University)
Lee, Byoungho (Inju Hospital of Korean Medicine)
Jin, Myungho (College of Korean Medicine, Dong-Eui University)
Cho, Suin (School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University)
Publication Information
Herbal Formula Science / v.28, no.3, 2020 , pp. 243-254 More about this Journal
Objectives : Network pharmacology analysis is commonly used to investigate the synergies and potential mechanisms of multiple compounds by analyzing complex, multi-layered networks. We used TCMSP and BATMAN-TCM databases to compare results of network pharmacological analysis between White Ginseng(WG) and Red Ginseng(RG). Methods : WG and RG were compared with components and their target molecules using TCMSP database, and compound-target-pathway/disease networks were compared using BATMAN-TCM database. Results : Through TCMSP, 104 kinds of target molecules were derived from WG and 38 kinds were derived from RG. Using the BATMAN-TCM database, target pathways and diseases were screened, and more target pathways and diseases were screened compared to RG due to the high composition of WG ingredients. Analysis of component-target-pathway/disease network using network analysis tools provided by BATMAN-TCM showed that WG formed more networks than RG. Conclusions : Network pharmacology analysis can be effectively performed using various databases used in system biology research, and although the materials that have been reported in the past can be used efficiently for research on diseases related to targets, the results are unreliable if prior studies are focused on limited or narrow research areas.
Network pharmacology; White Ginseng; Red Ginseng; target disease;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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