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Study on the Applications of Rhizoma dioscoreae Mainly Blended Prescription in Dongeuibogam  

Ki, Ho Pil (Graduate School of Wonkwang University)
Jung, Chang Ohk (Graduate School of Korean Medicine Wonkwang University)
Song, Chun Ho (Graduate School of Korean Medicine Wonkwang University)
Han, Jong Hyun (Graduate School of Korean Medicine Wonkwang University)
Kim, YOUNG MI (Graduate School of Korean Medicine Wonkwang University)
Lee, Jang Cheon (Graduate School of Korean Medicine Pusan National University)
Yun, Young Gab (Graduate School of Wonkwang University)
Lim, Kyu Sang (Graduate School of Korean Medicine Wonkwang University)
Publication Information
Herbal Formula Science / v.27, no.2, 2019 , pp. 167-178 More about this Journal
Objectives : This report describes 45 studies related to the use of Rhizoma dioscoreae main blended prescription from Donguibogam. Methods : The following conclusion were reached through investigations on the prescriptions that use Rhizoma dioscoreae as a key ingredient. Prescriptions that Rhizoma dioscoreae was taken as a monarch drug are utilized for 18 therapeutic purposes, for example, internal injury, stool disease, pediatric disease. In paticular, 24% of prescriptions appear in the chapter of internal injury, and 18% of those appear in the chapter of stool. Results : Prescriptions that utilize Rhizoma dioscoreae as the main ingredient are used in the treatment of indigestion, diarrhea and paralysis. Rhizoma dioscoreae is used in pathogenic factors such as water, water with damp, and used in pathology related to stomach system. Conclusions : The dosage of Rhizoma dioscoreae is 8li(about 0.29 gram) to 3jeon(about 11.25 gram), however 1jeon(about 3.75 gram) has been taken the most for clinical application. Sagunjatang and Siljangsan is the most useful base prescription which use the Rhizoma dioscoreae as the main ingredient.
Dongeuibogam; Rhizoma dioscoreae; Sagunjatang; Siljangsan;
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