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Brief Review on the Standard of the Taste and Property -centered on the Mahwang(麻黃), Gyeji(桂枝), Jagyak(芍藥)-  

Lee, Tae Hee (Formulae Pharmacology Department. School of Korean Medicine, Gachon University)
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Herbal Formula Science / v.26, no.2, 2018 , pp. 123-127 More about this Journal
Objective : This research was performed In order to establish the standard of the proper and taste in Korean Medicine. Methods : The change of the proper and taste of Mahwang(麻黃), Gyeji(桂枝), Jagyak(芍藥) and the change of the interpretation of the effect was investigated literally. Results : The hypotheses could be induced as follows. The pungent taste of Mahwang(麻黃) and the sweet taste of Gyeji(桂枝) was inserted by Bonchogyeongso(本草經疏) in Ming Dynasty. In case of Jagyak(芍藥), the proper and taste was changed into sour and cold at Myeonguibyeollok(名醫別錄). It can be proposed that bitter, warm of Mahwang(麻黃), the pungent and warm of Gyeji(桂枝) and the bitter and neutral of Jagyak(芍藥) in Sinnongbonchogyeong(神農本草經) is the adequate proper and taste Conclusions : Therefore it can be hypothesized that the taste and property of Sinnongbonchogyeong(神農本草經) can be established as the standard of the taste and property of Korean Medicine. But in the case of Baekduong(白頭翁), there is the fault of transcribing. So the caution is needed to decide the adequate taste and property.
The property and taste; Mahwang; Gyeji; Jagyak; Sinnongbonchogyeong;
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